Monday, August 29, 2005

Sloane Court Hotel

On Saturday, my family and I went to this place near Balmoral Road to have lunch. The name of the place: Sloane Court Hotel. As you can see in the picture, the hotel has that old colonial feel about it. The restaurant is relatively quite dim but it has a nice ambience about it. Do try the restaurant if you have the time...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Its Down To The Cunch!

I took the IPPT again. Still can't jump and can't run! But my sarge did it! I'm glad he passed. Not that I didn't want him to stick with me till the end of Phase 2 of RT but at least he made it. I need to do more running though.

Its 5 more days left to the end of the contract and I wonder what the future holds for us. Mani and the guys will be having a party on the 1st of September. I will take the photos once I get there after my RT. I think the song 'The Scientist' by Coldplay was just so appropriate for these kinds of ending.

Its like the end of a great run kind of endings, already a few of our guys have left us and I feel sad especially for Hafizzah. She was one of the most energetic, hyperactive and cute girls that stand out from the other girls in the ASU (Aviation Screening Unit). Besides her, there are a few more......

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Still Looking For Job

The interview at Singapore Post was only 1 minute! But what the interviewer said was true. In order to complete my degree, I had to look for part-time or temporary jobs to be more flexible in my timing. I totally have to agree with Jevois (if that was his name). Contact is going to end and will still look for jobs. Even though the gratuity will come in after the 31st of August, I will not spend the money unwisely....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Job Interview

Ah ha! Finally, a big break for me. I saw this number on my mobile phone appear quite a number of times and I guessed that it was either from Singapore Post or the National Arts Council. And I was right! It was Singapore Post who gave me a call and told me the details of the inteview. It will be on the 23rd of August @ 1400 hours and I do hope that I will get the job!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Must Improve IPPT

I did the IPPT today and as usual, I didn't make it. I have to make that strong committment to exercise and not to indulge into all the usual food vices!!!