Saturday, March 05, 2005

Studies, studies and more studies

I've been a good boy lately, trying to complete the study schedule as given by the Uni. So far, I think so good...But I think my supply chain needs more attention than my e-law for this week. Have to finish module 1 by tomorrow, then can start with Module 2 on Monday.

Anyhow, talking about chicks, I have set my eyes on a few women (one of them would be the passenger services officer from SATS - I don't know her name as well!) in the hope that I could be good friends to them. Let's see how the going will be. Will update it here in my blog. As for Beatrice, no sign of her today but chatted with another colleague of hers who happen to be good-looking and quite talkative as well. Dunno her name but will talk to her more if the chance arises.

The airport has a good range of women that you can look out for and if you are malay, there are plenty of malay chicks out there!


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