Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Never Too Late

So busy the last few days that I didnt even have time to write on my blog...ah well, morning shifts are like that...thank god mine ended today...will be doing the afternoon shift tomorrow...sometimes I really hate to wake up so damn early in the bloody morning...and everytime, every single time, once i board my bus, I will almost surely but slowly sleep in the bus...there was never once when I stayed awake from the airport to my house.

I was also busy preparing for the current Semester 1. I will pass these 2 subjects and I am quite confident that I will do so. Talking about today's deployment, it was bad man. Bad enough to make you not have enough rest! I don't know about the rest but I think I had enough of breaks. 2 hours to be exact but of course, not in a single stretch...Channel A - no one likes it and because it was a Thai International Airways, it made it even worse! 295 passengers going out of the plane and about 300 plus departing for Bangkok! My friends had to screen so many passengers all at one shot...I pity them...

I had a busy time myself, detected a couple of items as well. Let me recall - 1 leatherman, 1 cuticle cutter and 1 pair of scissors. I didn't see exactly how big the leatherman was but I think it could be quite expensive. Anyhow, I did another Channel A but thank god, it was a small one..Otherwise I could have died! Ha ha...


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