Thursday, October 12, 2006

Haircut and a good read

Happy with my performance today and felt really good. Decided to get my hair cut today so after work, I went home, changed and went to Compass Point. Monkey smsed me to change S$400 to baht. I think it amounted to 7, 100 baht...After changing money, I went to have my hair cut. No customers today so it was fast! Bought a cup-of-corn and while I was walking back home, I saw X and said hi to her. She told me that she just borrowed books from the library and I showed her my book as well. We talked a bit more before we said goodbyes.

Reached home and as I was about to turn on my laptop, the music from the Sengkang caller group rang and I wondered who from Sengkang would call me at this hour?? I know quite certainly that my other 3 colleagues wont call me. It was X who called me! I answered it, of course, and she was saying that she is @ Starbucks and since she saw me with a book, I could join her if I wanted to and no obligations. Guys, when a beautiful lady calls you and asks her to join her, would you say no?? Of course not! So I had a shower, changed and brought my book down. I was going out from my home when I saw Christian coming back from work. I said "Guten abend" to him and he said that he liked my shirt (I was wearing the away Germany jersey) and at that moment, I didnt realise what shirt I was wearing! Christian is by the way, a German and also my neighbour.

Went down to Compass Point with Christian and saw Lincoln on the way down while he was going up. Talked to Christian about which parts of Germany were nice and what was there to see. I said goodbye to him before I reached Starbucks and saw X inside. She was asking "How come you were so fast" and "When I called you, you were at home??" I told her that I stayed @ Compass Heights and she said "No wonder lar....I'm not impressed" "Ha ha" But I knew she was just joking... I got myself a Chocolate Cream Chip Ice Blended and settled down to read.

For the past 20 mins, X and I were silent. Each reading our own books. After coming back from the ladies, she asked me what book am I reading and I told her about how the sailors forced a U-boat to surface and while the sailors in the U-boat were abandoning it, 2 sailors went into the U-boat to search for any intelligence that they could lay their hands on. X then told me the book that she was reading was on Plato and his philosophy. She then went on about the different books that she read, how long she hasnt been reading etc etc. She was talking to me with such enthusiasm and finesse that I could feel how passionate she was about reading :) And it felt really great too because I havent been talking to someone about books in a very long time!

I think the both of us must do this again!!!!


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