Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Miscellaneous Pics

Some pics to be put up before the end of the year...Dont want to bring things from the last year into the new year!!!!

Lynette and I

Sunshine Square Hawker Centre1

Sunshine Square Hawker Centre2

Lynette with the Horns of the Reindeer

@ Bayan Lepas Airport

Nice view

Fart Fart

The boys from the ACJC Choir were singing so radiantly that even their coats shone!!!

@ Starbucks near HMV after watching The Nativity Story with John, Jenny and Daren

Everyone was taking the scenery, I also had to take!!!

Myself, Cynthia and Jackie @ Ben & Jerry's

A Tower of Butter or A Butter of Tower??

Lighted Christmas Tree

Jackie & I


Amelia - The Naughty Niece

Fortress Sengkang - Compass Heights


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