Friday, March 10, 2006

4th ICT @ BCTC

Day 1 - 8th March 2006

Woke up @ around 0530 hours and lazed around for awhile before getting ready for the shower. By the time I got everything ready was around 0600 hours. 3rd Uncle was so kind as to prepare breakfast for me although in my heart I really didn't want him to but since I was running out of time I said ok.

Went to the designated bus stop for Sgt P6 to pick me up in his classic Volkswagen. We were quite early when we exited the PIE and so we went to the nearby coffeeshop for a drink. Around 0715, we left the coffeeshop and headed for Pasir Laba.

As usual, we met the rest of the 106ers as we were in-processing. After in-processing, I got the yellow slip of paper which indicated where my bunk will be and to also get my gas mask equipment, checked it and then proceeded to my bunk. After getting everything done, we were told to get dressed in PT kit with boots and to bring along our gas equipment as well.

Took a tonner to one of the auditoriums inside Pasir Laba while we watched 4 video clips of the whole gas thingy. How to get dressed in the suit and other stuff included. A very long process and finally we went for lunch.

After lunch, we had a break of about an hour before forming up again with PT kit, sbo, helmet and gas equipment. This time we had to walk to the training shed. From there, we practically donned the whole suit and tried the different methods that we were told to do. Hot and tiring day! Was glad to finish it and head back to BCTC.

@ 1700 hours, we had dinner and @ 1800 hours, we went for an M16 Familiarisation Phase. After that, it was a shower, a trip to the mess and then sleep.

Part 2 will up coming up.....


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