Thursday, February 23, 2006

So many things

Sorry if I have not been updating my blog... so many things have happened of late...

I was one of the hospitality team helping out with the Choice weekend. This weekend was exceptionally big because of the Indonesian, Taiwanese and Hong Kong Choicers and not excluding the NTU people as well. There were 5 hospitality members: John, Jenny, Peter, Sarah and myself. Had great fun knowing these people and I laughed throughout the entire weekend! Never laughed so much in my entire life!

Weekend ended on a high note..I got Peter's and Sarah's contacts and am still in touch with them...

Went for a dinner cum meeting @ Colin & Mag's place and it was really wonderful to see so many people! Different projects were discussed and I volunteered to sign up for some of them, of course those were the ones in which I could do :)


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