Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Met an old friend today

Daison & I @ Coffeeshop

The weather today was fact better!!! It was raining but I still had to go to work :( Before I went out for lunch, I told Mr Kok (my colleague) that I would buy back but then again I changed my mind and decided to try that pig's organ soup which I had seen a few days before.

Well, when I was at the stall, I ordered a bowl of pig's stomach soup and rice. Little did I know that the person next to me was my friend!! His name is Daison. I used to work with him when we were working at the airport. Now he's working as an air con sales man.

When my food came, the lady who served me told me that I need not pay. I was wondering why. A few minutes later, Daison went into the stall to help himself with extra soup and noodles. It was only then did I realise that he knows the stallholders. So when I asked him who were the stallholders, he told me that they were his relations - cousins, uncle and aunty.

We spoke for about 15 mins before I left. Again, thanking him for the food.


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